Valuation of NFTs

Each of our collections will address one of the key issues in the protection of biodiversity. Each collection will be an opportunity to learn more about an animal species, its ecosystem, and the threats await them. Thus each owner of NFT will better understand his contribution to the protection of biodiversity and the concrete impact of his investment.

Each NFT, all collections combined, will carry a score (depending on the rarity of its draw), this score will symbolize the power of action against the threats to species and ecosystems. Points are cumulative for several NFTs, all collections combined.

Oregen will have several points ranges that will give access to rewards offered by partner associations, artists and the Oregen team.

These rewards will be divided into 3 areas:

  • Event rewards: access to VIP events with artists and/or the main players in biodiversity. Possession of an NFT thus becomes an access card to these events.

  • Valuation rewards: NFTs will be chosen (depending on the rarity, the number of points accumulated by the bearer or sometimes randomly on all the bearers) to appear in the various real or audiovisual representations of partner NGOs, artists, and Oregen events.

  • Tangible rewards: access to discounts for merchandising from partner NGOs and artists, or future corporate partners of Oregen.

Last updated